Group C
First seminar 

*Choose the correct answer:* 
1- Which of the following is incorrect about drugs that have high first pass metabolism :
A) *given oral*
B) not given oral
C) high oral dose
D) B & C
E) all of them
F) non of them 

2- failure of contraception with contraceptives is an example of :
A) increased intensity of action .
B) induce its metabloism.
C) intermittent use of an inducer.
D) A & C 
E) all of them 
F) *non of them*

3-microsomal and nonmicrosomal enzymes are deficent in newborns making them more susceptible to many drugs like :
A) chloramphenicol
B) opidois 
C) sulfonamide
D) *A & B*
E) all of them
F) non of them

4-drugs may also accumlate in specific organs by active transport or get bound to specific tissue constituents , refer to :
A) plasma protein binding
B) *tissue storage*
C) cellular binding
D) B & C
E) all of them
F) non of them

(T) or (F)
1- all transformation reactions in phaes I are mostly inactive (F) .
2- increase the metabolism leads to increase the action of the drug (F) .
3- Use of NH4CL increases the excertion of aspirin (F) .
4- tubular reabsorption is the active transfer of organic acids and bases by OAT and OCT (F) .
نموذج * B * 
*Group* *A*
1⃣Basic drug bound to a1 acid glycoprotein &acidic drug bound to albumin(   T   )

2⃣first pass metabolism indirectly proportional to bioavailability (    T.  )

3⃣zero order kinetics rate of elemination indirectly proportional to drug cocentration (  F. )

4⃣CL is elimination of certain  gram of drug in unit time (F. )
1⃣ which wrong about bioavailability?
_influnce by cardic output
_bioavailable of I.M is 100% 
_direct proportional to f.p.m
_*nonof them*
_all of them

2⃣which  is write about plasma protein binding?
_bound fraction is not available for action
_make drug long duration action
_acidic drug bound to albmin
_non of them
_*all of them*

3⃣which  is wrong about first order kinetics ?
_CL inconstant 
_rate of elimination constant 
_cocentration of drug constant 
_rate of elimination indirect to cocentration of drug 
_non of them 
_*all of them*
4⃣which true about glomerular filtration ?
_*non bound protein drug filtrate*
_only lipid soluble filtrate
_only lipid insoluble .....
_non of them 
_all of them
1 ) Bioavailabilty is indirectional proportionate with first pass metabolism ✅

2 )  Acidic drugs bound to a acid glycogen and basic drugs bound to albumine❎

3 ) Clearance is gram of drugs eliminated by 
 certain of time❎

باقي حبة ع zero order kinetics وكانت خطأ بس نسيتها

Which is true about Bioavailabilty:

1) affected by cardiac output
2 ( injection I.M 100%
3) F.P.M indirectly proportionate✅
4 ) None of them
5) All of them

Which is wrong about glomular filtration :
1 ) protein bound drugs are filtered.
2) Only lipid soluble filtered
3) Only lipid insoluble filtered
4) Non of them
5) All of them✅

Which is true about first order :
1) Clearance is inconstant
2) Rate of elimination and cons. Of drug indirectly propotionate
3 ) Cons.of drug is constant.
4) Rate of elimination is constant.
5) None of them✅
6) All of them

وباقي برضه حبة بس نسيتها😂
نموذج A         
*Group* *A*

1 ) Bioavailabilty is 
  indirectional proportionate with first pass metabolism ✅

2 )  Acidic drugs bound to a acid glycogen and basic drugs bound to albumine❎

3 ) Clearance is gram of drugs eliminated by 
 certain of time❎

4 ) In first order the drug elimination indirectly proportion with drug concentration❎

Which is true about Bioavailabilty:

1) affected by cardiac output
2 ( injection I.M 100%
3) F.P.M indirectly proportionate✅
4 ) None of them
5) All of them

Which is wrong about glomular filtration :
1 ) protein bound drugs are filtered.
2) Only lipid soluble filtered
3) Only lipid insoluble filtered
4) Non of them
5) All of them✅

Which is true about first order :
1) Clearance is inconstant
2) Rate of elimination and cons. Of drug indirectly propotionate
3 ) Cons.of drug is constant.
4) Rate of elimination is constant.
5) None of them✅
6) All of them

About plasma protein binding the true is
A. bound fraction is active 
B.binding protein prolonge the duration of action
C. Acid drugs bind to albumin 
*D. B&C*
E. Non of them
F. All of them