Second year second semester(2017-2018)

T or F :
1- cold cure acrylic resin consider as strong acrylic resin used in orthodontic appliances(  )
2- in artificial teeth bilateral balance is mandatory to produce stability of denture (  )
3- vertical force acting outside the crest of ridge will produce tipping of the denture (  ) 
4- patients preferred lingualized occlusion due to it's superior chewing efficiency (  )
5- increases in overjet and overbite can help insicion efficiency (  )
6- polymerization should be controlled to avoid porosity or bubbles inside the denture base which happened due to un controlled temperature (  )
7- the insical third of anterior teeth should be visible when the upper lip rest (  )
8- artificial teeth should be arranged according to certain principle to avoid deflection of any destruction force toward supporting structure (  )
9- in case with shallow overbit the cuspal angel should be reduce to balance the insical guaidance (  )
10- anatomical teeth arranged in balanced occlusion whereas non anatomic in monoplane occlusion (  )

1- the second factor of occlusion determined by the dentist customaized by patient during try in : 
A-condylar guidance
B- cuspal angulation
C- incising guidance

2- distance between upper and lower incisors measured in horizontal plane:
A- overjet
B- overbite
C- deep bite

3- height of mandibular plans placed at level of junction between: 
A- anterior one third and posterior one third
B- anterior two third and posterior one third
C- anterior two third and posterior two third 

4- in patients with steep condylar guaidance should be :
A- steeply
B- decrease
C- increase

5 - factor of balanced occlusion which can not be modified: 
A- Condylar guidance 
B- compensating curve 
C- occlusal plane