ميكرو/الشبتر التاني 

بعض اسئله فراغات وترو وفولس واسئله اخرى( من اعدادي وكله باور😅)

Tartar consist of

1… .2… .3… .

When bacteria of plaque established? 

classifation of plaque based upon….. 

matrix of plaque consist of

1… .2… ..

pioneer spacies of normal flora is staphelococicus(T orF) 

biofilms resist antibiotics(T or F)

 antimicrobial EX. 

1… 2… .

GCF… ..and…. in thealt people whereas… .in diseases

peeling is one of factor affecting on colonization of oral mucosu(T or F)

Actenomycetes is transitional inhabitation in oral cavity(T or F)

The opportunistic bacteria can cuased endogenic infection if 

1… .2… .3… ..

 the factors that promote reproduction of microbes in oral cavity

1… .2… 3… 4… 5… .

caustive agents is antagonism (T or F)

the factor that disturbed oral ecology 

1… 2… .

What's the procedure  that make periodontium free of diseases?? 

 normal flora get sacrouse from….. and get protiens from….. and get minerals from….. 

after pellicle colonized different types of baceria it increase in 1… 2… .3… ..

pioneer plaque create low redox potential suitable for aerobes(T orF) 

Biotope is inhabitation of population(T orF) 

بالتوفيق جميعا😊