
اسئله مناقشه للشبتر الاول فسيو

🌹mention the accessory gland? 

🌹write the name in the paper? الرسمه صفحه ٢

🌹mention the proces action of GIT ?عددهم 6

🌹mention the composed  of GIT ?

🌹What is the main function of esophages/stomach/small intestine?? اخر صفحه3

🌹 mention the layers of GIT? 

🌹which of the folowing performed motor function? 

🌹What is the outer most layer? 

🌹السلايد الاول صفحه٦ بيكون اختار الاجابه

🌹الرسمه الي بعده  اسئلته اذكر مكونات المعده؟من منطقتين وهما كاردياك +بيلوريك

🌹Cardiac consist of? 

🌹the pyloric consist of? 

🌹mention the function motor of stomach? 

🌹Why the stomach slowly emptying the chyme to intestine? 

🌹What is the function of peristalsis? 

🌹What is the chyme? 

🌹What is the retropulsion? 

🌹How are retropulsion form? 

🌹How  are stomach immpyting pormeted? 

🌹What is the function of ploric sphincter? 

🌹What is pyloric pump?

🌹 How are pyloric pump activeted? 

🌹How are pyloric pump inhibited? 

🌹When peristalsis occur? 

🌹How are gastric signals activted pyloric pump? 

🌹وكمان السلايد التاني صفحه٩ ممكن يجي اختيارات

🌹mention the tubular glands of stomach? منهم 2

🌹 mention of Oxyntic gland? منهم 4

🌹mention of pyloric gland? منهم 2

🌹Which the fulid is secrition by ELC? الهيستامين

🌹What are the role of ECL in gastric secrtion? 

🌹How gastrine harmon stimulated HCL secrition? 

🌹اما سؤال المخطط بصفحه 11مو متاكده منه كتير وهو👇🏻 

Which the secrition stimulated by parasypathy? 

🌹When can gastric secrition occur? 

🌹When are presence of food stimuited gastric secrition? 

🌹وفي سؤال كمان بهالسلايد بس ماسمعت تكملته بدايتهWhich factor…. الي سمعه يكمله 

🌹السلايد الي بعده صفحه ١٢بيجي اختيارات 

🌹How many precentage of digestive of carbohydrate occure in stomach? 

🌹Which are the patrs of stomach resbonse for digestive carbohydrate? funds+body

🌹Why are stratch ingestion in funds and body of stomach ?

🌹How many pepsin digest protine? 

🌹What is the important of pepsin of digest collagen? 

انتهى بالتوفيق للجميع🌸