What type of tissue is blood?
What is this tissue important for?
Mention the two phases of blood?
What is each of these phases made up of?
Why do we call RBCs by red blood corpuscles ?
What are the the formed elements ?
What is the main difference between serum and plasma?
How much (percentage) do the elements form of totall blood?
How much (percentage) do the plasma form of totall blood?
What is the device name used in hematocrit?
Mention the percentage of of erythrocyte of totally blood ?
What does the buffy coat in hematocrit consist of?
Mention the percentage of leukoctyes and platelets from total blood?
What are the other names for RBCs and WBCs?
Mention an example of clotting proteins?
Mention the constitutes of blood?
Mention the SEVEN materials of plasma?
How much (percentage ) does water take of plasma?
How much (percentage ) do other materials of plasma take ?
Mention the plasma proteins with their percentages ?
What are the suspended elements of blood?
Which one has a role in transport of O2 and CO2?
Which one has a role defense units of the immune system?
Which one has a role to stop bleeding from an injured vessel?
Mention the function of each of suspended elements?
Mention the functions of blood? 3 functions
Give 4 examples of blood functions in transportation?
Give 3 examples of blood functions in regulation?
Give 2 examples of blood functions in protection?
Who is responsible to protect by phagocytosis?
Do blood transport metabolic wastes?
Mention the percentage of hemoglobin in both genders with units?
Mention the percentage of RBCS count  in both genders with units?
What is the factor that makes RBCs have higher number ?
Mention the platelet counts?
Mention the total WBC counts?
Mention the major functions of red blood cells ?
What is the enzyme that catalyze the reversible reaction between CO2 and water?
In which form do blood transport CO2 to lungs?
What does carbonic Anhydrase do?
What is the shape of RBCs?
Mention the diameter and thickness of RBCs?
Mention the average valume of RBCs?
Describe the shape and size of RBCs?
Why can the RBCs squeeze through capillaries?
What is the percentage of Oxygen transported by hemoglobin and Plasma ?
What is the primary content of hemoglobin and what does it do?
Do RBCs have mitochondria or nucleus ?
RBCs which have no nucleus are produced in the yolk sac in embryonic life ?
Where are primitive  RBCs produced in the early weeks of embryonic life ?
In the middle trimester, who's responsible for RBCs?
Who's responsible of RBCs production after birth ?
Beyond age of 20 most RBCs are produced by?
Do morrow of long bones keep producing RBCs after age of 20 years ? Why?
Give examples of membranes bones ?
RBCs production in old people increases ?
Lymph nodes produce RBCs?
The blood cells begin their life from paired type of cell ?
What is the stem cell of blood is called ?
The pluripotential cells divide successively to from different circulating blood cells ?
After reproduction of PHSC, small portion is retained in bone marrow ?
Small portion of reproduced PHSC differenciate to form the other cell types ?
Mention the five pluripotential stem cell differenciation?
Mention agranulocytes origins?
Mention granulocytes origin?
Platelet origin is megakaryoblast?
Reticulocyte origin is proerthroblast ?
Spleen is responsible for formation T-Lymphocytes?
Macrocytes origin is monocyte?
What are the proteins that control growth and reproduction of the different stem cells called ?
The bone marrow controls the formation of growth inducers and differentiation inducers ?
What protein increases  when exposure to low oxygen ?
Infectious diseases cause formation of WBCs?
Proerthroblast has more hemoglobin than reticulocyte?
Mention of Genesis of RBC?
The proerthroblast is bigger  than polychromic erythrocyte?
Reticulocyte has no nucleus ?
Maturation of RBCs happens in blood stream ?
Define hypoxia?
What protein that stimulates RBCs production and what stimulates this protein?
From Where  erythropoietin is secreted? With percentages
What factor that the rate of production and maturation of RBCs depends on?
What vitamins are required for RBCs productions?
What organ responsible for red blood cells damage ?
What's the age of destructed cells?
Why do old cells gets destructed ?
What are the releases of RBCs destruction ? What are they used for?
What does hemoglobin consist of?
How many heme groups in each hemoglobin?
What does globin consist ofm
How many iron atom can heme bears ?
Heme binds irreversibly with one molecule of oxygen ?
How many molecules of oxygen are bound to iron ?
How many molecules of oxygen are bound to hemoglobin ?
What's the location of iron in heme ?
Why is carbon monoxide is dangerous?
What happens to 20% of carbon dioxide ?
Mention the characteristics of deoxyhemoglobin ?
Mention the characteristics of oxyhemoglobin ?
How to treat deoxygenate of hemoglobin?
What does heme consist of ?
How is iron transported in blood (plasma )
How is it stored?
And where?
What happens to the rest not stored?
What happens to porphyrin?
What happens to globin after RBCs distruction ?
Define anemia ?
What are the reasons of anemia ?
Mention the types of anemia ?
Describe each type of anemia ?
Is Erythropoietin  a glycoprotein ?
Who stimulates the growth of early stem cell?
Does erythropoietin affect maturation process ?
How can erythropoietin be measured ?
Mention the conditions in which erythropoietin levels go high?
What causes polychythemia?
Define polycythemia ?
How polycythemia  increase impaired delivery of oxygen to tissue?
Describe polycythemia?